A Specially Designed
Specially Priced Magical Family Fun Experience

Performed by Lon Cerel

Looking  to entertain a group that ranges
from toddlers to grandparents?

Lon Cerel's  FAMILY MagicPallooza is just that show.

With a little something for everyone, Lon draws from his 25 years of experience, combining just the right blend of Comedy, Magic, Balloon Sculpture and tons of Audience Participation!
Perfect for celebrating that special occasion, or just anytime when you bring a group together, and are looking for "Instant Fun".

A Lon Cerel Performance percolates with energy, punctuated by unexpected bursts of contagious laughter!
Lon Cerel's
is the perfect FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT for kids
from 4 to 104!

A program replete with comedy magic, tons of audience participation,
and always a LIVE bunny rabbit!

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